Storage in Browser

Storage in Browser

Cookies, local storage, and session storage are most common ways to store data in browser. And they have different use cases.

Cookies πŸͺ

  • Definition and Usage:
    • Cookies are small pieces of text information sent by the server to the user’s browser and stored locally. When the browser makes another request to the same server, it automatically includes this cookie.
    • They are primarily used for maintaining user session state, personal settings, and other non-sensitive data.
  • Characteristics:
    • The total size limit for cookies per domain is typically around 4KB.
    • You can set an expiration time; if no expiration time is set, the cookie will be deleted when the browser is closed.
    • They are less secure because they can be accessed via client-side scripts and are sent with every request, which can lead to bandwidth waste.
    • They support cross-origin sharing (by setting the domain attribute).
  • Usage Example:
    // Set a cookie named "username" that expires in 1 day
    document.cookie = "username=John Doe; expires=" + new Date( + 86400000).toUTCString();
    // Read all cookies
    function getCookie(name) {
      let match = document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^| )' + name + '=([^;]+)'));
      if (match) return match[2];
    console.log(getCookie("username")); // Outputs "John Doe"

LocalStorage πŸ“

  • Definition and Usage:
    • LocalStorage provides a persistent local storage solution. The data stored in LocalStorage does not expire unless explicitly deleted.
    • It is suitable for storing non-sensitive user preferences or application state.
  • Characteristics:
    • The storage capacity is usually around 5MB, but this can vary depending on the browser.
    • Data is stored as key-value pairs, where both keys and values must be strings.
    • It does not support cross-origin access.
    • Data is shared across different windows/tabs.
  • Usage Example:
    // Store data
    localStorage.setItem("theme", "dark");
    // Retrieve data
    let theme = localStorage.getItem("theme");
    console.log(theme); // Outputs "dark"
    // Remove data
    // Clear all data in LocalStorage

SessionStorage πŸ“

  • Definition and Usage:
    • SessionStorage is very similar to LocalStorage, but its lifetime is limited to the current session.
    • The data in SessionStorage is cleared when the page or tab is closed.
    • It is useful for temporarily storing data during a single browsing session.
  • Characteristics:
    • Data is also stored as key-value pairs, and only string types are supported.
    • The storage capacity is typically around 5MB.
    • It does not support cross-origin access.
    • Even within the same domain, SessionStorage is independent across different windows/tabs.
  • Usage Example:
    // Store data
    sessionStorage.setItem("pageVisited", "true");
    // Retrieve data
    let visited = sessionStorage.getItem("pageVisited");
    console.log(visited); // Outputs "true"
    // Remove data
    // Clear all data in SessionStorage


Each of these methods has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice depends on your specific needs. For example, if you need to maintain user state and share data across multiple pages, you might consider using LocalStorage or Cookies. If you just need to store some temporary information, then SessionStorage would be more appropriate.

Feature/Method Cookie LocalStorage SessionStorage
Storage Capacity Typically around 4KB Typically around 5MB Typically around 5MB
Persistence Can set expiration; cleared at session end by default Persistent until explicitly deleted Only valid for the current session
Data Format Key-value pairs, values as strings Key-value pairs, values as strings Key-value pairs, values as strings
Cross-Origin Access Supported (by setting domain attribute) Not supported Not supported
Security Lower, accessible via client-side scripts Higher, but still accessible via JavaScript Higher, but still accessible via JavaScript
Data Sharing Shared across all windows/tabs Shared across all windows/tabs Independent per window/tab
Primary Use Case Maintaining user state, personal settings, etc. Storing non-sensitive user preferences or application state Temporary storage during a single browsing session
Read/Write Operations Via document.cookie Via localStorage API Via sessionStorage API
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About Ray

I’m Ray, a computer science student, who loves coding πŸ’», music 🎡 and comics πŸ“š.

Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
